Transformation Protocol
Info(s) 21 - Error(s) 35 - Warning(s) 2
INFO : *** Started 2019-01-07T13:50:25.239+01:00
INFO : *** Reading DECOR Parameter File
Parameter switchCreateSchematron: true
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes: false
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWarningsOnOpen: false
Parameter switchCreateSchematronClosed: false
Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithExplicitIncludes: false
Parameter switchCreateDocHTML: true
Parameter switchCreateDocSVG: true
Parameter switchCreateDocDocbook: false
Parameter switchCreateDocPDF:
Parameter useLocalAssets: true
Parameter useLocalLogos: true
Parameter inDevelopment: false
Parameter defaultLanguage: de-DE
Parameter switchCreateDatatypeChecks: true
Parameter useCustomLogo: false
Parameter useCustomLogoSRC:
Parameter useCustomLogoHREF:
Parameter createDefaultInstancesForRepresentingTemplates: false
Parameter artdecordeeplinkprefix: http://art-decor.org/art-decor/
Parameter bindingBehavior: valueSets freeze
Parameter logLevel: INFO
Parameter switchCreateTreeTableHtml: true
INFO : *** Creating Schematrons Based On Scenario Transaction Representing Templates
INFO : *** Overall Benchmarking Indicator: 845
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: 2013-12-21T00:00:00
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule LebensstilTabakkonsumEntry: 2017-03-12T11:14:42 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_ResultObservation: 2017-09-17T16:45:42 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ProblemStatusObservationEntry: 2017-07-13T21:04:49 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ProblemStatusObservationEntry: 2017-07-13T21:03:14 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ProblemStatusObservationEntry: 2017-07-13T20:51:44 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule AllergyStatusObservation: 2017-07-13T21:15:15 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
WARN : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron as it binds to an attribute but has no concepts - value set dynamic in template ProblemEntryAllergy_Reaction id='' effectiveDate='2017-07-13T21:39:19' (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='CD' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule CriticalityObservation: 2017-08-10T19:52:16 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule CertaintyObservation: 2017-08-10T20:25:54 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule AllergyProblemEntry: 2016-11-06T17:03:02 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
WARN : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron as it binds to an attribute but has no concepts - value set dynamic in template AllergyProblemEntry id='' effectiveDate='2016-11-06T17:03:02' (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[(local-name-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='CD' and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@xsi:type,.))='urn:hl7-org:v3')])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode = 'CSM'][hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'MANU']]/hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'MANU']/hl7:playingEntity[@classCode = 'MMAT']/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule SeverityObservation: 2017-08-20T12:08:35 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule BisherigeSchwangerschaftenEntry: 2017-08-23T21:30:54 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ErwartetesGeburtsdatum: 2017-08-23T21:55:44 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGAMedicationStatement: 2018-10-18T11:16:13 (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15933: dynamic in rule ELGAEncounterEntry: 2018-10-18T17:20:23 (context=*[hl7:encounter[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:encounter[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:statusCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_Procedure: 2017-01-28T14:53:47 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[@codeSystem = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/completeCodeSystem/@codeSystem or @nullFlavor])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_Procedure: 2017-01-28T14:53:47 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:methodCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_Procedure: 2017-01-28T14:53:47 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_Procedure: 2017-01-28T14:53:47 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ProblemEntryGesundheitsproblem: 2017-08-13T15:08:52 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[@codeSystem = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/completeCodeSystem/@codeSystem or @nullFlavor])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule ELGAMedicalDevice: 2017-02-26T11:17:52 (context=*[hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode = 'DEV'][hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'MANU']]/hl7:participantRole[hl7:playingDevice[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor]]]/hl7:playingDevice[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor]]/hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem) or @nullFlavor])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:consumable[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are not defined - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:consumable[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ArzneiEntry: 2014-01-31T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/pharm:formCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ArzneiEntry: 2013-12-17T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/pharm:formCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule MedikationVerordnungEntryemed: 2014-01-31T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:routeCode)
INFO : *** Creating Terminology Files
INFO : *** Creating Schematron mapping file
INFO : *** Creating Documentation html + svg
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Front Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Project Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Data Sets Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Scenarios Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Identifiers Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Terminology Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Rules/Templates Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Compilation Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Legal Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For V2 Implementation Guides (0 scenarios) + svg
INFO : *** Creating V2 Conformance Profiles and Tables for 0 scenarios
INFO : *** Finished
INFO : *** Total Processing Time 62971ms - 0h 1m 2s