Transformation Protocol
Info(s) 45 - Error(s) 152 - Warning(s) 7
INFO : *** Started 2023-10-18T14:02:42.556+02:00
INFO : *** Reading DECOR Parameter File
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematron: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWrapperIncludes: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithWarningsOnOpen: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronClosed: true -- NOTE: this setting overrides switchCreateSchematronWithWarningsOnOpen
INFO : Parameter switchCreateSchematronWithExplicitIncludes: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocHTML: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocSVG: true
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocDocbook: false
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDocPDF:
INFO : Parameter useLocalAssets: true
INFO : Parameter useLocalLogos: true
INFO : Parameter inDevelopment: false
INFO : Parameter defaultLanguage: de-DE
INFO : Parameter switchCreateDatatypeChecks: true
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogo: false
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogoSRC:
INFO : Parameter useCustomLogoHREF:
INFO : Parameter createDefaultInstancesForRepresentingTemplates: true
INFO : Parameter artdecordeeplinkprefix: http://art-decor.org/art-decor/
INFO : Parameter bindingBehavior: valueSets freeze
INFO : Parameter logLevel: INFO
INFO : Parameter switchCreateTreeTableHtml: true
INFO : *** Creating Schematrons Based On Scenario Transaction Representing Templates
INFO : *** Overall Benchmarking Indicator: 2421
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: dynamic
ERROR : +++ doGetAllTemplates template not found: 2013-12-21T00:00:00
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ProblemStatusObservationEntry: 2017-07-13T21:03:14 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ProblemStatusObservationEntry: 2017-07-13T20:51:44 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ArzneiEntry: 2014-01-31T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/pharm:formCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule ArzneiEntry: 2013-12-17T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:manufacturedProduct[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:manufacturedMaterial[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/pharm:formCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule MedikationVerordnungEntryemed: 2014-01-31T00:00:00 (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:routeCode)
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: /hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]]/hl7:serviceEvent[hl7:code[concat(@code, @codeSystem) = doc('include/voc-')//valueSet[1]/conceptList/concept/concat(@code, @codeSystem)]]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11526: dynamic in rule elgaambbef_document_ambulanzbefund: 2019-05-10T09:04:27 (context=/hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:component[not(@nullFlavor)][hl7:structuredBody]/hl7:structuredBody[not(@nullFlavor)]/hl7:languageCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because the value set contents are missing - value set dynamic in rule elgaambbef_document_ambulanzbefund_fullsupport: 2019-11-05T10:51:56 (context=//hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16866: dynamic in rule CDAinFulfillmentOf: 2005-09-07T00:00:00 (context=//hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:inFulfillmentOf[hl7:order[@moodCode = 'RQO']]/hl7:order[@moodCode = 'RQO']/hl7:priorityCode)
WARN : +++ Found element/@maximumMultiplicity='*' that is higher than the parent choice/@maximumMultiplicity '1' (via include override). context: //hl7:ClinicalDocument[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:documentationOf[hl7:serviceEvent]/hl7:serviceEvent[not(@nullFlavor)]/hl7:performer[@typeCode][hl7:assignedEntity]/hl7:assignedEntity[not(@nullFlavor)]. <element name="hl7:id[not(@nullFlavor)]" datatype="II" minimumMultiplicity="0" maximumMultiplicity="*" id="" />
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14581: dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Immunization: 2023-01-23T12:29:18 (context=*[hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:substanceAdministration[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:routeCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-25'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2014-06-09']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]]/hl7:organizer[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-08-01'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'][@extension = '2015-11-19']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule elgagab_entry_KonsultationsgrundProblem: 2022-06-02T15:20:46 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule elgagab_entry_KonsultationsgrundProblem: 2021-08-10T08:43:36 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule elgagab_entry_KonsultationsgrundProblem: 2021-02-19T10:46:53 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule elgagab_entry_KonsultationsgrundProblem: 2020-11-05T15:01:55 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule elgagab_entry_KonsultationsgrundProblem: 2018-11-20T09:56:38 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_MedicalDevice: 2021-02-19T12:52:04 (context=*[hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:participant[not(@nullFlavor)][@typeCode = 'DEV'][hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'MANU']]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_MedicalDevice: 2019-11-21T13:08:26 (context=*[hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]]/hl7:supply[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.']]/hl7:participant[not(@nullFlavor)][@typeCode = 'DEV'][hl7:participantRole[@classCode = 'MANU']]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2023-02-03T10:25:36 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2023-02-03T10:25:36 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2021-02-19T10:46:25 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2021-02-19T10:46:25 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2021-02-19T10:46:25 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2019-11-29T13:57:37 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2019-11-29T13:57:37 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures: 2019-11-29T13:57:37 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Procedure: 2023-02-03T10:37:52 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Procedure: 2021-02-19T12:56:01 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Procedure: 2021-02-19T12:56:01 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Procedure: 2020-01-08T15:46:32 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:code[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Procedure: 2020-01-08T15:46:32 (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:approachSiteCode)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:procedure[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observationMedia[hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Problem: 2022-06-02T15:10:36 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Problem: 2021-02-19T12:55:41 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule atcdabbr_entry_Problem: 2020-11-06T10:08:41 (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:value[not(@nullFlavor)])
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:targetSiteCode/hl7:qualifier[hl7:name[(@code = '106233006' and @codeSystem = '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96')]]/hl7:value)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:observation[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingDevice/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:playingEntity/hl7:code)
ERROR : +++ value set skipped for use in schematron because intentional value sets are not yet implemented for schematron - value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.16040: dynamic in rule : (context=*[hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]]/hl7:act[hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '2.16.840.1.113883.'] and hl7:templateId[@root = ''] and hl7:templateId[@root = '']]/hl7:participant[@typeCode][hl7:participantRole]/hl7:participantRole/hl7:scopingEntity/hl7:code)
INFO : *** Creating Terminology Files
INFO : *** Benchmarking Indicator For Transaction 'Ambulanzbefund (v1)': 3253
INFO : Included templates: 216
INFO : *** Creating Schematron mapping file
INFO : *** Creating Documentation html + svg
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Front Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Project Page Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Data Sets Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Scenarios Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Identifiers Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Terminology Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Rules/Templates Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Compilation Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For Legal Tab
INFO : *** Creating HTML For V2 Implementation Guides (0 scenarios) + svg
INFO : *** Creating V2 Conformance Profiles and Tables for 0 scenarios
INFO : *** Creating default instances for representing templates
INFO : *** Finished
INFO : *** Total Processing Time 283874ms - 0h 4m 43s